Edge Computing 🤖

1. Vision

Make remote work truly remote

2. Mission Statement

Enabling you to work Developing an all-electric backbone of your camper van. Emission free off-grid home on wheels powered from renewable energy.

3. Business Model

Product/market fit hypothesis

Target Audience
  • young professionals
  • highly motivated, innovative and disruptive mindset
  • 28-35 years old, no kids
  • remoteworking in tech
  • Strong passion for outdoor sports such as, hiking, climbing, mountain biking, surfing, kitesurfing, etc.
  • Deep connection with mother nature
  • eco-friendly, self-sustainable and low CO2 emissions
  • Value Proposition
  • Centralizing all essential electronic components into a central plug and play device and enable superior automatization capabilities.
  • Deploying smart sensors on the edge for capturing patterns in behavior to automate components such as ventilation, multimedia, heat, or light, without even using our build in voice commands. Advanced visual sensors paired with latest learning-based approaches.
  • Enabling people with no prior exposure to electrical systems design or installation to do a reliable and save integration on their own. No physical wiring with wireless enabled smart switches, dimmer, and sensors
  • Automated internet speed checks on the spot
  • Advanced Battery monitoring including sun forecast and driver behavior.
  • Customer Pain Points
  • Lack of electrical domain knowledge
  • Individual electronic parts
  • Multiple Lithium ion batteries
  • No central controlling unit for all devices.
  • constant WIFI connectifity
  • Endless wiring
  • User Stories
  • As the person planning the conversion, I do not have to understand anything about electricity.
  • As a person converting the van, I want to minimize the electrical wiring.
  • As the person converting the van, I want to have a single device for easy installation.
  • As the person converting the van, I do want to have step-by-step video guide on how to plan, execute, and optimize the entire conversion.
  • As a user, I want to gain a deep understanding on the various functionalities offered by the device, though a detailed video series.
  • Security:
  • As an owner, I want to have superior security systems in place, which provide instant notifications, visual and sound alarm, when somebody is breaking into my Van.
  • In case of a robbery, As an owner, I want to have all lights on for well exposured security footage.
  • Workplace:
  • As a full-time remote employee, I need good internet and enough electric power.
  • 4. MVP

    This Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the very first prototype of the smart controller interface. It already contains basic functionalities to test our main Product/market fit hypothesis.

    4.1. Elevator Pitch

    The central control unit includes a 7” LCD capacitive touchscreen interface and a Beaglebone Black microcontroller. On the touchscreen we run a GUI to conveniently control basic functionalities. Including lightning, ventilation, security system, heater, and water pump etc. As a first demonstration of sensor data collection the temperature is measured with two individual indoor and outdoor temperature sensors. Multiple timer can be set which allows autonomous manipulation of components.

    4.2. Hardware

    The following list includes the components found in the current MVP iteration:
  • Beagle Bone black
  • GreeekPi 7” capacitive touch LCD
  • TMP101 Temprature Sensors
  • 3V Relay
  • Electronics for power supply
  • 4.3. Software

    The code can be found here

    4.4. Executive Summary and Demo

    We uploaded a quick visual walk through of main functionality on YouTube HERE. Thus additional information on hackster.io can be found HERE

    5. Active Development

    The next iteration, currently under development, includes advanced computer vision for image segmentation and activity recognition based on Deep Learning. Based on the following hardware components:
  • Raspberry Pi 4B 8G
  • Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X Vision Processing Unit (VPU)
  • Jetson Nano (GPU)
  • Pi Camera 2 (Sony sensor)
  • Intel WIFI and Bluethooth module
  • Bluethooth mesh (BLE) smart switches